Pepper's Page!

When we adoped this furry bit of a pup, we had no idea what we were in for. She was just so tiny, only eight pounds. She fit in one hand. So tiny. We were told she was part Labrador Retriever, part Border Collie and would only grow to be about thirty-five pounds at most.

They were right about the growing part...

Pepper grew

And Grew

and grew some more...

......And MORE!!!

We now are the proud parents of a 120 pound critter who is the sweetest, most lovable dog. She THINKS she weighs 35 pounds. She thinks she's a Border Collie. We've gotten through the puppy stage when she rewired the kitchen telephone (that extension STILL does not work), and the time she thought she was Martha Stewart and tried to rearrange the livingroom furniture. Pepper has settled down a lot as she has matured. She has lots of hobbies to keep her busy: she loves to sing along with music or fire sirens, she plays catch, has invented a new solo football game for dogs, and loves to herd things. She's also VERY relaxed, as you can see.

Here's a little critter who stole my heart on my first trip to New Orleans

What is it?

Loup-Garou, the Cajun Werewolf?

A Ghost dog that appears blue in the moon light?

No, it's just Tiffany, artist George Rodrigue's pooch. You can find her in all sorts of pictures... the usual pose... big ole yellow eyes staring out at you. That little blue dog certainly gets around!

Cajun artist George Rodrigue presents his ubiguitous Blue Dog in situations and settings with humor.

I've found several webpages about George and his little blue muse.

Blue Dog Man is an interesting page. You can find information about his art and a gallery of some of his paintings

Blue Dog Art is a place with information about his gallery. You can find more pictures of The Blue Dog, plus, a FREE Blue Dog Screen Saver that you can download. Then you can have a little blue dog right on your very own computer

If you want to see just how smart that little Blue Dog is, click HERE!

More Blue Dogs!